1. Coronavirus is a big virus but it cannot be seen with the naked eye. It takes an electron microscope to see this virus.
2. Due to its size it can be masked.
3. This virus is not in the air, but in the soil, so the virus does not spread through the air.
4. Corona virus does not survive in hot weather. A temperature of 70 degrees is enough to destroy it, so even if it's hard, boil the water and eat it and keep your distance from the ice cream.
5. The virus can live up to 9 hours on clothes, so if the clothes are washed or left in the sun for a few hours, the virus will die.
6. The coronavirus can survive for up to 12 hours on a metal surface. So before eating food, you must wash your hands regularly.
7. The coronavirus can live for about 10 minutes on the hands or skin, so the coronavirus will die if you apply an alcohol-based disinfectant (Dettol, Savlon) to your hands.
8. The habit of touching nose to mouth with a hand or finger should be abandoned. Because the main way to enter the human body is through the nose and mouth.
9. Gargling with warm water mixed with salt will clear the throat mucus and the coronavirus will also clear and the lungs will no longer be infected.
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